5/12/11 - Riffles above the handicap access deck
I love the section of river in the few miles above the handicap access deck past Waltonia bridge. It's usually not crowded like the sections closer to the top of the canyon are and it suits my style of fishing better. I love fishing riffles and I have success with both dry-dropper and double nymph in that type of water. It's not difficult to get a nice drift and it's fun to work the water methodically. It was cold and bouncing between snow and light frozen rain. The fish weren't looking up so I stuck with double nymph and indicator rig. I took a few in the riffles with 6 (4 rainbow, 2 brown) falling for a #20 Little Green Machine - an excellent fly by Vince Wilcox. I stopped by Elkhorn Fly Shop to say hi to my friend Brian Chavet and he mentioned that lots of free swimming caddis were observed in the river the day before so I decided that the chartreuse color of that fly would be a hit - the trout agreed.
Finished for the day, I started to wade toward the bank and as I pulled the beanie I was wearing back down over my ears I somehow lost grip on my fly rod. If you saw my earlier post - this is a brand new rig for me - just got it for Christmas and it's a dream set up. I look down just in time to see my Winston BIIIx and Abel reel disappear into the water, drifting downstream. Like a protective parent I instinctively dropped to my knees, lunged for it and felt the rod butt but it was swept away by the fast current. In a panic I dived forward and explored frantically with my hands as I drifted in the 38 degree water. THERE IT IS!!! I grabbed it, lifted it out of water and held it clear of any rocks and then began working on my exit strategy. Took around 10 seconds to get stood back up. I was soaked but my rod and reel were safe and sound and for that I was grateful. My knee was injured somewhere in the scramble but I knew I'd be fine once I warmed up again; however, my 2-week old iPhone4 did not appreciate the swiming lesson. I went through a full 5-day dry-out ritual with it, sealing it in a bag with rice but it never recovered. I had a business trip the next week to Boise and I stopped in the Apple store there and told them what happened. They cracked it open and showed me where the moisture indicators detected water had been. The battery was toast and they informed me that water damage is not covered by warranty. However, because I had been upfront and honest about what happened and was a new Apple customer, they REPLACED IT FOR FREE ANWAY!!! Now THAT is customer service. No wonder Apple is kicking butt.
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